  • Principal

  • Prof. K.V Umar Farooq

Principal’s Message

In an era marked by intense competition, survival challenges, and the vast expanse of information exploration, it is imperative to seize opportunities to diversify and excel in our endeavours. Education, being a lifelong journey, should be approached with positivity and creativity.

Since its inception in 2008, Markaz College of Arts and Sciences has been a beacon of hope and wisdom for the underprivileged and marginalized sectors of society, reflecting the visionary goals of our founders. Over the years, we have evolved into a center of excellence and a pivotal societal pillar, thanks to our commitment to innovation, excellence, morality, and social engagement.

The secular and pluralistic ethos of our college, combined with a relentless pursuit of knowledge and moral values, has distinguished us as a commendable institution in the public eye. Our continuous efforts are recognized by the affiliated university and accrediting bodies, as we strive to enhance our academic stature and uniqueness. Our journey towards excellence has paved the way for the success of our alumni and instills hope and assurance in our current and prospective students.

We look forward to the unwavering support of our society and student community as we continue on our path towards a brighter and successful future.